A chilling crime story set in 1882 Violshire, where occult conspiracies and a shadowy Order threaten the city.
That was a fitting read after a misty day in Tod!
Hope the workshop went well today! Did it remind you of the Tod Viaduct 😆
It did! As did some of the buildings… do you have Tod in mind or is it all fictional? I really enjoyed it, I’ll read more of the days.
The workshop was really good thanks 😊
I used that Viaduct in Tod and a viaduct about a mile down the road from the college, but I have a fictional industrial city in mind that I call Violshire
Great atmosphere!
Thank you 😁
That was a fitting read after a misty day in Tod!
Hope the workshop went well today! Did it remind you of the Tod Viaduct 😆
It did! As did some of the buildings… do you have Tod in mind or is it all fictional? I really enjoyed it, I’ll read more of the days.
The workshop was really good thanks 😊
I used that Viaduct in Tod and a viaduct about a mile down the road from the college, but I have a fictional industrial city in mind that I call Violshire
Great atmosphere!
Thank you 😁